African Development Bank reaffirms support for Guinea’s economic strides

The African Development Bank Group has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Guinea’s efforts to diversify its economy and mobilize domestic resources for crucial development projects.

Marie-Laure Akin-Ougbade, the Bank Group’s vice president for Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery, reiterated this commitment during a three-day visit to the Guinean capital, Conakry, from July 11 to 13. She was accompanied by Kevin Kariuki, vice president for Power, Energy, Climate and Green Growth.

The high-level delegation met with Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah and Finance Minister Mourana Soumah, who is also the Bank’s Governor for Guinea, among other government officials.

Akin-Olugbade lauded Guinea’s economic resilience in the face of recent global challenges. She highlighted several Bank-supported initiatives for the country, including reviews of mining contracts and audits in the mining, telecommunications, banking and insurance sectors.

Minister Soumah expressed gratitude for the Bank’s support, noting the progress made in various development sectors with the Bank’s assistance. He called for continued assistance, particularly in the energy sector, which is currently grappling with challenges.

The visit also saw a gala dinner to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Bank’s creation, attended by government officials, diplomats, and representatives of pan-African and international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and coordinators of projects financed by the Bank Group in Guinea.

Guinea, a founding member of the African Development Bank Group, remains one of its key strategic partners. As of 30 June 2024, the Bank’s portfolio in Guinea comprised 30 operations with a total financing of $676 million.

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